Giving up may be an option but should it be a choice? Who all choose to give up? Cowards right? When you give up, you give up the opportunity for growth , focus on what’s not going well, try to improve, go for another option, every problem has a solution you just have to look at, focus. Do not be a coward, giving up will tag you as a failure.
No matter how difficult the task is , no matter how difficult the time is , no matter how difficult the situation is , do not forget you are that powerful, that is why you are facing it , weak people do not face it! You are being prepared to become more powerful!
Anytime you feel like giving up, ask yourself a question, is it the only option left with me? And finally when you decide not to give up you’ll be awarded.
This is life problems come and go it depends on you how you handle it.
Never ever underestimate yourself. You can do it . You will do it. Have faith in yourself.