Nowadays i think people have lost humanity. Isn’t it true? People are using animals either to earn money or for fun sake. I wanna ask those people are you human anymore? After watching many videos of brutally harassing animals I’ve literally lost faith in humanity. Some are burning dogs , think for a second what if you are burnt alive? I pity animals who are vulnerable , who can’t speak, cannot defend themselves
1. Drugged horses killed and eaten
2. Orcas raped by humans
3. Feathers torn from live birds skin
4. Body parts shipped by UPS
5. Dogs left outside to freeze and die
6. Chimpanzee still prisoners in laboratories
7. Rabbits corneas burned while conscious
New born cow babies are separated from their mothers so that humans can sell that milk to humans for money. Those small calf are tied in chains .
I request to all those who are against animals injustice raise your voice if you see any injustice done towards them
Demand Striker laws for the protection of animals . Stronger animal welfare laws and higher penalties will lead to lesser cruelty towards them.
Educate people people around you about the issue. Let them know they too have the equal right to live freely , without fear, if you don’t love animals at least do not harm them , they too have lives, they too have families.
Before harming any animal just think for a second what if you were on that place ?
This is the high time now raise your voice against the injustice towards them.